The government wants to involve Togolese Abroad more in the development process of their country. It is in this sense that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and Togolese abroad, Robert Dussey on Monday launched in Lomé the “Diaspora Window and the action program for strengthening the contributions of the Togolese diaspora in the Togo 2025 Plan ”. Through this initiative, the government intends to provide Togolese Abroad a flexible and inclusive platform capable of responding to their demands and expectations and supporting the implementation of the action program to strengthen the contributions of the diaspora in Plan Togo 2025.
The “Diaspora window and action program for strengthening the contributions of the Togolese diaspora to the Togo 2025 Plan” follows several institutional and strategic initiatives of the government in favor of the Togolese diaspora since 2005. This is the creation of of the Directorate of Togolese Abroad (DTE) by decree in 2005, the creation the same year of the High Commission for Returnees and Humanitarian Action (HCRAH), the development and implementation of the Diaspora program in particular on the use of the skills of the diaspora (2010-2014), the creation in 2014 of the interministerial committee responsible for the coordination and monitoring of migration and development activities, the establishment of a diaspora unit responsible for supporting Togolese from the outside carrying projects in their implementation.
We also note the designation since 2015 of focal points in charge of the diaspora in the diplomatic and consular missions of Togo, meeting tours with the diaspora in 2013 and 2014, the organization of major diaspora meetings in 2014 in Lomé, the ‘visa exemption for Togolese living abroad with dual nationality, the organization of editions of the “Diaspora Success” week in 2016 and 2019, the launch of the Government’s roadmap for Togolese in the outside, the election of the 77 Country Delegates followed by the official installation of the High Council of Togolese Abroad (HCTE) and the adoption of the law on the vote of the diaspora in 2019.
It is a technical support body of the HCTE which develops measures and strategies to encourage and encourage Togolese living abroad to carry out projects in Togo, to attract investments to our country and thus participate in the economic, social and cultural development of Togo and promote its influence in the world.
It is responsible for encouraging the savings of Togolese Abroad for investment purposes in Togo, promoting the emergence of groups of investors within the Togolese community abroad, mobilizing investors and others. international partners.
Launching, the Minister in charge of Togolese Abroad recalled the importance of the more adequate involvement of Togolese Abroad in the development process in accordance with the vision of the Government’s Roadmap in favor of the Togolese diaspora presented on April 1, 2019. Robert Dussey also invited members of the Togolese diaspora to appropriate the Diaspora Window and make it a real collective tool for promoting their projects and investments in Togo.
Prof Dussey then noted that the evolution of financial transfers represent nearly 8% of GDP and estimated at US $ 451 million in 2018, US $ 458 million in 2019 and US $ 441 million in 2020.
In addition, he mentioned the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the implementation of projects planned by the government in favor of the diaspora.
“In order to meet the challenge of mobilizing the resources and assets of Togolese Abroad despite this global health crisis affecting African diasporas, the speakers, after a reminder of the multiple initiatives in favor of the Togolese diaspora presented the Diaspora Window and the action program to strengthen the contributions of Togolese Abroad to the Togo 2025 Plan as well as the various contribution approaches of the Togolese diaspora to the development of the municipalities of Togo ”, declared Prof Dussey.
Several initiatives are announced for the future. For the year 2021, two flagship projects of the action plan, including the census of Togolese Abroad and the directory of entrepreneurs and investors from the diaspora will be implemented.
For the years 2022 and 2023, the action program aims to implement various projects including the platform for the placement of Togolese Abroad in national and international public structures and in multinationals, tools for monitoring contributions and facilitation of projects and investments of the diaspora in Togo, (the Observatory of the Togolese Diaspora, the Guide of facilitating projects of Togolese Abroad in the service of development, the Guide of support and access mechanisms funding).
We learn that an Incubator dedicated to the Togolese diaspora, a support platform for partnerships led by the Togolese diaspora within the framework of decentralized cooperation with the Togolese municipalities and other international programs as well as the preparation of the creation of the Fund Investment of Togolese Abroad (FITEX) will also be translated into facts.